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Interviews with Wattpad Werewolf Authors


Interview with Seyvn_19 Author Of Latching On To You


When did you find out about wattpad?


I found out about wattpad when I was very young. Maybe thirteen and a half. I don't exactly know what I was doing that day, but I saw a story that caught my interest. I honestly can't say what the book was about or who wrote it, but since then, I have been reading stories on wattpad.


When did you know that you were a werewolf author?


At first, I was clueless. I didn't know what type of author I was. Then I knew. I started writing drafts of stories that were forming in my head. They all seemed to circle around the werewolf genre. I found it quite hard for me to write any other genre; thats when I knew that I was a werewolf author.


What did you want to tell other people who haven't read your book?


I would like to tell them that my book is different from the others. That I took what most stories had, and turned it around, into something out of the box.


Who are your inspirations?


For one thing, my readers. When I pick up my phone in the morning, and I see all of these notifications notifying me that my book is something that people like to read, I get extremely giddy. Also, I could say that the author’s of some of my favorite books are my inspiration. I one day hope that I could write a story that is as good as theirs.


Did you achieve anything from writing your book?


I did. I noticed that my grammar has gotten way better. Writing my book has allowed my creative juices to flow, whether it be in class, writing a short answer response, or it be at home on my computer.


Has wattpad given you a chance to show your book to the world?

Of course! If it weren't for wattpad, my story would have most likely been stored in the files of my computer for all eternity. I wouldn't have thought twice of posting my ideas anywhere; that was until I found wattpad.

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