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Interviews with Wattpad Werewolf Authors Continued


Interview with rahchell07 Author of Majors



1. When Did You find out about Wattpad? I found out about Wattpad about three months ago when my friends were talking about it. I thought I would give it a try.


2.When did you know that you were a werewolf author?When I was in the sixth grade, my friend and I decided to write a book together. It was possibly the worst book written by a pair of twelve year-olds. This book made me want to improve my writing. I was eleven years-old when I realized I wanted to become a writer.


3.  What did you want to tell other people that haven't read your book? I think that every author promotes their book saying its "unlike any other". My book really isn't like any other werewolf books though.


4. Who are your inspirations? My inspirations are my mom, who is an English major. My eighth grade English teacher who is currently working on his own book. And my best friend Emily, who always encourages me to keep writing.


5. Did you achieve anything from writing your book? I achieved the knowledge of knowing how to write better, how to edit more and knowing that I can write something and someone else will like it other than my mom.


6. Has Wattpad given you a chance to show your book to the world? Yes, without Wattpad I probably would still be a closet writer, afraid to show my work to anyone.





"Let's talk" I said, breaking the silence. "I know you've been dreaming about me" he said slowly. "What? No..." I said, biting my lip. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me" he said with a wink. "What secret?" "Your Werewolf secret" "I don't know what you're talking about" I said, looking at the mud on my shoes. "Yes you do" "No... I don't" "It's okay, I'm one too" Lucas said with a wide grin. I eyed him suspiciously, wondering what he wanted. I didn't have money to give him and he could have any girl, way prettier than me. "Prove it"

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